Inserting Time & Date

This section describes commands that can be used to insert user formatted time and date to currently active window (document, edit box, etc.).  There are many time and date formats available plus user can create its own formatting by combining multiple time/date commands.

<date>           Inset Date
<time>           Insert Time

<td:d>            Today's Day
<td:dlz>         Today's Day (With Leading Zero)
<td:m>           Today's Month
<td:mlz>        Today's Month (With Leading Zero)
<td:y>            Today's Year
<ct:h24>        Current Time - Hour (24 Based)
<ct:h24lz>      Current Time - Hour (24 Based, With Leading Zero)
<ct:h12>         Current Time - Hour (12 Based)
<ct:h12lz>      Current Time - Hour (12 Based, With Leading Zero)
<ct:m>            Current Time - Minute
<ct:mlz>         Current Time - Minute (With Leading Zero)
<ct:ampm>     Current Time - am/pm
<ct:AMPM>     Current Time - AM/PM

There are also several time/date system variables.  The system variables can be used for building strings (variables) containing the time or date, for example, backup file names.  See also "System Variables" section for this topic related system variables.